Keeping your business high-powered at a low cost is equally important to us as it is to you. Our experienced professionals will execute all your piping needs from rook drains to high-pressure wall piping. Whether you plan to improve reliability, expand capacity, or create a more environmentally-friendly plant, GMC is fully equipped and ready to help.

Client: Black and Veatch
Objective: Combined Cycle Power Plant
Timeline: 700,000 man-hours over an 18-month period
Project Overview: GMC hired and managed all crafts to install two 165 MW Combustions, two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs), and one condensing steam turbine. We also installed the balance of plant equipment and piping that was roughly 30,000 lf, including heavy wall pipe for main steam and P91 chrome piping. The combustion turbine operated in simple-cycle mode for 4 months until the plant eventually converted to combined-cycle operations.